By using this website you agree and verify that:

I am at least 18 years old.

I am not offended by the depiction of naked human bodies. My beliefs, including religious, do not prohibit me from seeing nudity.

I believe that freedom of speech is foundational.

I can and will tolerate opinions different from mine. I will conduct conversations in a respectful manner.

I will not use this site for any illegal purpose.

I will not download materials from this site.

Anything I publish on this site I do so at my own risk. I do not grant ownership of these materials to Alex Sher Gallery. My materials here remain my property and I reserve the right to remove my materials at any time.

I will not hold Alex Sher Gallery nor their affiliates responsible for the safekeeping of materials I publish here.

Alex Sher Gallery reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time without prior notice.

This Privacy Policy is effective as of March 1, 2024. We recommend regularly checking our site to review the current Terms of Use, as well as any updates.