Trouble series: Reflections
A passionate furious energy radiates in the ripples of red that overtake the reflection. Intense motion, stirring the water into an explosion of bubbles we encounter “The Trouble”. The model, the surface, and the movements take on lives of their own, clashing and conflicting before our eyes. The woman’s form melts and dissolves into the vibrant ribbons of color as if we have fallen into the surrealist dreams of Salvador Dalí. The arms, the face, the breasts, and the legs all begin to replicate until the singular nude female form becomes an unknown number of women. They stop, turn to us, and glare letting us know we are an unwelcome voyeur at this encounter.

"The Trouble" is a part of Alex Sher’s series REFLECTIONS underwater photographs that could be almost mistaken for abstract paintings. In fact REFLECTIONS are straight photographic capturing of the water’s surface from below, with a submerged underwater camera.
2022 🇫🇷 Moevir (Paris, France)
2022 🇺🇸 6x Portrait (US)
2022 🇺🇸 Art Market (US)
2021 🇺🇸 Lens Magazine (US)