Prints for Sale
A light and very becoming underwater photograph of a girl walking down the steps of a swimming pool. The light blue photograph shows no swimsuit neither nudity.
This work attracts a lot of attention at exhibitions. It was shown at the biggest US shows and recently at Louvre Carousel (Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France).
2024 - VoyageLA Magazine (Los Angeles, US)
2023 - Artillery (US)
2023 - NY Elite Magazine (US)
2023 - LA Weekly (US)
2023 - TREND MAG (US)
2023 - Fienfh (Paris, France)
2023 - Elysium (Paris, France)
2023 - GMARO Magazine (Paris, France)
2022 - Moevir (Paris, France)
2022 - Art Market (US)
2021 - Cont Art Curator Mag (US)
2021 - Moevir (Paris, France)
2021 - The STYLE Researcher (Italy)
2016 - Ocean 4 future (Italy)